Sunday, December 16, 2007

Arsenal vs chelsea post match victory lap and emergency blog

We won..We won ..We one.
So we beat chelsea.Cashley cunt can go home beaten.Its our victory.
We played well today.With the winning squad back,we were always the
favourite.And we really were brilliant.Matching chelsea eye for an
eye,ear for an ear and dirty tackle for a dirtier tackle.What an end
to the match too.Fabregas whipped cashley hole's butts.

We remain top of the league.Manchester got away with a victory at
liverpool.But we cant complain.Its all part of the game.

I think play analysis is worthless now.We won and thats it.Sometimes
winning is the most important thing.Not the way we win it.Today was
one such special day.Viva arsenal.
Special thanks to flamini for his never say die attitude in
midfield,to gallas for the precious goal,fabregas for good play and
that spl butt attack on cashley,glichy for protecting our goal and
alumnia for that last save.Guns for GUNNERS.

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